Industrial area Aurich NORD
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Expansion of the industrial area: 85 ha
- Compensation areas: 77 ha
- Hegderows compensation: 19,6 km
Scope of Work:
- Basic inventory, pre-design planning, design planning, permission planning, detailed planning
- Impact mitigation regulations under the nature conservation law and environmental impact statements
- Preparation of statements of grounds, written stipulations and a report of considerations
- Applications for the elimination of hedgerows
- Ecological monitoring of construction work
For the expansion of the industrial area Aurich NORD, the planning department of the municipality of Aurich established the building development plan No. 284 and the 23rd amendment of the land use development plan.
For this, the engineering company Dr Born – Dr Ermel GmbH prepared the environmental impact assessments and statements (EIA and EIS). With the ever-increasing land requirements of the company ENERCON, the planning process was closely coordinated from 2008 to 2012 till the 6th term of public inspection of the land use development plans. In addition to the planning of large industrial space, areas for rainwater retention and storage of soil (“Landscape of Hills”) had to be considered. Special requirements were made concerning the compensation of the loss of legally protected hedge rows as well as a wide range of compensatory measures.